The hotel's Chinese carriers

China will buy the Russian aircraft carrier Kiev, turn the battleship into a hotel located in the park Binhai aircraft carrier, the northeastern city of Tianjin.
Kiev aircraft carrier is the first class aircraft carrier of the same name. It was closed by the company in the city of Nikolayev Chernomorski of Ukraine. After 5 years the thickness of manufacturing engineers, Kiev was completed in 1975 and joined the Northern Fleet a year later. Photo: Beijjingboyce
Kiev then each time the command ship Northern Fleet. In 1996, Russia sold this aircraft to China. Instead of using this aircraft carrier in military purposes, China converted it into a hotel located in the Binhai military park in the city of Tianjin in 2004. Photo: Xinhua
Kiev has since named the new hotel Tianjin carrier. This hotel is the first carrier in China, a country that had never had a real aircraft carrier, if not the carrier Shi Lang recently that military officials the country's new acknowledged the existence. Photo: Xinhua
A Chinese waitress standing in the hotel room President carrier Tianjin Tuesday 8 / 8. The interior decoration of two rooms of this kind has just been completed. Photo: Xinhua
Two attendants are cleaning up in the room at the hotel President carrier Tianjin. Photo: Xinhua
Zone-bedroom luxury hotel room President carrier Tianjin. Photo: Xinhua
The details of this particular hotel has not yet been publicized. Photo: Xinhua
The two guests were sitting in the living room of a luxury room hotel Tianjin carrier. Photo: Xinhua
Overview of an aircraft carrier named the Kiev is now a luxury hotel to the park in Binhai aircraft carrier in Tianjin City. Photo: China Daily
A different angle of the carrier hotel Tianjin, viewed from the Bohai Bay. Photo: The city of Tianjin